KCA Presentation

On June 19, 2024, my presentation to the Keaukaha Community Association explained the following:

  • The role and responsibilities of the State House Representative

  • The salary and benefits associated with the position

  • My plan to fulfill both those roles AND the kuleana of the Luna Makaʻāinana using a framework adopted from the Kumu Honua Mauli Ola and modified for Zero Waste Hawaiʻi Island.


The State of Hawaii is separated into 51 districts, each home to “representative”. 4 months out of the year, 51 of these representatives get together on Oʻahu to vote on and propose bills that will become law - and they vote on the State Budget (what happens to our tax dollars). The other 8 months of the year are supposed to be spent with the people of their district - learning how best to represent them and advocate for their needs.


You pay your House Representative around $72,348 a year, not including their office budget and/or the $200+ daily Per Diem they’re paid during the 4-month legislative session. This entitles you to being able to see your Luna Makaʻāinana often, and holds them accountable to represent you well.


ʻOhana - I plan to keep the ʻohana makaʻāinana of my communities informed and updated about family resources and opportunities in our area; I hope to contribute my personal skills of music, farming, and being the hiapo (eldest sibling) of my family to the families in District 3.

Kaiāulu - I plan to contribute my skills of organization, coordination, and activism to the communities in District 3 by continuing to regularly attend and participate in the monthly meetings and gatherings. This is the bare minimum expected of district representatives and I hope for the opportunity to do this well, while maintaining online updates for other community members to review regularly.

Aupuni - During the legislative session, I plan to propose bold and radical, but reasonable solutions that are based on community needs and proposals. In addition to constituent-identified issues like appropriate development for Puna, wastewater treatment in Hilo, and protecting natural resources, my priorities are to address food insecurity, health disparities, and the cost of living in Hawaiʻi.


Joint Sign Waving!