Onekahakaha Development

Note: this is unofficial information and reflects only what I know about County and civic engagement at this moment; the official links and updates come directly from the Commission website, which you can review at this link here.


A Special Management Area Use Permit Application was filed toward the development of a 4-story apartment building near the Onekahakaha Beach Park. As development is on the rise, so must we be - to determine if this is appropriate to our home and community.

A Windward Planning Commission Hearing is scheduled to take place on September 5, 2024 at the County Building at 9am.

  • Click HERE for the Project Background

  • Click HERE for the Planning Director's Recommendation

  • Click HERE for the Hearing Agenda (Sept 5)

  • Click HERE for the newspaper notice that was published


1. Review the info provided in the newspaper notice

“APPLICANT: NIEL JAYASINGHE (PL-SMA-2024-000060): Application for a Special Management Area Use Permit to construct a four-story, 41,600 square-foot apartment building containing seventeen rental units and related improvements on a 0.445-acre parcel within the Special Management Area. The subject property is located on the north side of Kalanianaole Street, approximately 350 feet southwest from its intersection with Onekahakaha Road, Keaukaha, South Hilo, Hawaii, TMK: (3) 2-1-014:002.”

2. Identify the permit type & learn about the process

The ad specifies that it’s a "Special Management Area Use Permit (PL-SMA-2024-000060)”. So far, the application was submitted and accepted, signs and notices were posted, and the Planning Director provided a “Favorable Recommendation” that the project be approved. Next, there will be a hearing (Sept. 5), where public testimony will be accepted. You can read more about SMAs here, and view the different flowcharts here, otherwise the appropriate one is annotated below.

3. Read over the Background Report and Planning Director Recommendation if available

The Background Report provides information about the proposed development - maps, environmental notes, floor plans, and even the projected cost of units.

“Under these guidelines, the applicant proposes three (3) 2-bedroom units at $2,250/month (under 100%AMI), six (6) 2-bedroom units at $2,500/month (under120% AMI), seven (7) 2-bedroom units at $3,000/month (under 140%AMI), and one (1) 3-bedroom unit at $3,500/month (under 140%AMI). These rates include allowances for utilities per HUD-52667.”

4. Mark your calendar, prepare testimony, and tell your friends about the Windward Commission Planning Hearing scheduled for September 5, 2024 at 9am. This can be submitted in person or via Zoom, and/or written testimony can be provided ahead of time. See the Agenda for more details.

Prepare by reviewing the Agenda of the Day, the Background, and the Planning Director Recommendation (from the previous step). It can also be helpful to read up on Special Management Area Permits; the County site is here, and the State site is here - but they both essentially teach the same thing.

Keep in mind that in this case, you are presenting your testimony to the Windward Planning Commission and commissioners, not the County Council. You’ll be requesting to provide testimony of Agenda Item 5 under “New Business”, The Planning Commission website is helpful if you know how to use it, but the links can be wonky sometimes, so the documents linked here were downloaded and uploaded to a Google Drive folder on my Google Drive. Click HERE for the Google Folder.

Mahalo piha to ʻĀinaaloha Ioane of Mālama ka ʻĀina, Hana ka ʻĀina who posted the following notice/photo below with a caption that read:

“Noticed this sign up about 1-2 weeks ago. So someone wants to build a 4 story apartment building right next to Onekahakaha beach Park. Does anyone know anything about this? Is it affordable housing for our community? Is it within the price range of our people? Who are these apartments being build for? Who will be calling Keaukaha home?"

In response to this, I put together some information for folks to review if they want to learn how to contribute to stopping/supporting this development.

Review of Steps & Quick Links

  1. Review the info provided in the notices

  2. Identify the permit type & learn about the process

  3. Read over the applicant’s Background Report and the Planning Director Recommendation

  4. Prepare to testify at the Windward Planning Commission Hearing on September 5, 2024 at 9am

Luna Makaʻāinana (“State House Representatives) are meant to engage deeply and meaningfully with the people of their moku ʻāpana (district) for 8 months out of the year, while representing them in the Legislative Session for 4 months out of the year. They are paid more than $72,000 annually to do this. While I did not win the 2024 election, I intend to continue campaigning into 2026 by supporting and mobilizing community members to take part in civic education initiatives like this one. Although this specific initiative is not a "State Issue", the health and wellness of the people will always be a "Luna Makaʻāinana issue", prompting my involvement with this issue in this capacity. Even before that though, it is all of our kuleana to take care of our ʻohana ʻāina and be mindful of the development that is to come. Mahalo piha to ʻĀinaaloha Ioane, for being so makaʻala to share about the permit application. Let us continue to be vigilant and involved in the happenings of our beloved place. E ola! - Kanahele, Kiana "Kuulei" (Keawekane), candidate for House District 3 of the State House of Representatives, 2026. Click HERE to donate to the campaign fund. 

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