Piko x Pila Sīwila

1891 map of Waiolama via Google Earth
and Images of Ola Hawaiʻi

Voting Day is here, and I’ve decided to host an educational event! “Pila” means “stringed instrument” - similar to the concept of “Kani ka Pila” or to “play music”, and “Sīwila” means “civic”.

Our very first “Piko x Pila Sīwila” event will take place today at Waiolama from 11:30am to 2pm, near the Kamehameha Statue. Here, we’ll ground in with some pū and oli, then sit together and learn about some of Hawaiʻi’s dearest songs of ea and aloha.

You can review the PACKET here, and the PLAYLIST here. I’ll do my best to go live on Instagram!

E ola! - Kuulei (808) 940-6989


Onekahakaha Development


Joint Sign Waving!